B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of the Pacific, 1984.
M.S., Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California-Santa Barbara, 1986.
ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES).
SPECIAL HONORS: Ph.D. Science, University of the Pacific (honoris causa), 2006. NASA Service Awards (2002, 2003), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory “Outstanding Engineer Award” (2001), Upward Bound National TRIO Achiever Award (2001), U.S. Department of Energy “Outstanding Performance Commendation” (2000), Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES) “Medalla de Oro” recipient for professional and community contributions (1999), Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award, “Outstanding Technical Contribution” (1995), Graduate Engineering Minority Fellow (GEM) (1985), and Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honor Society member.
EXPERIENCE: 1987-2001 were spent at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California.
1987-1991 Electronics Engineer, Material Analysis Group. Refined signal and image processing skills for applications in radar imaging, computed tomography, acoustic imaging and other non-destructive evaluation techniques.
1991-1994 Electronics Engineer, Chemistry and Material Science Group. Developed quantitative x-ray film imaging analysis techniques that allowed the characterization of low-density materials for use in the development of an X-Ray laser as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative Program. Developed material x-ray transport models that allowed for the development of human tissue absorbed dose models useful for medical imaging applications.
1994-1996 Group Leader, Chemistry and Material Science Group. Managed the career development of twenty-nine professional technical staff members who supported chemistry and materials science research activities. Identified and developed the Group’s programmatic research support opportunities. Carried out own research activities as a principal investigator in the area of x-ray physics and image processing.
1996-1999 Deputy Program Manager, Highly Enriched Uranium Implementation Program. Responsible for the implementation of a signed bilateral agreement between the U.S. and Russian Federation for the U.S. purchase of highly enriched uranium (HEU) in the form of low enriched uranium (LEU) derived from the dismantlement of Russian nuclear weapons. Responsibilities included utilizing national laboratory resources for the purpose of ensuring the U.S. government that the LEU purchased was derived from dismantled nuclear weapons. This was accomplished by developing technical training modules for U.S. multi-lab and multi-agency experts, which allowed them to visit Russian facilities and effectively perform inspections in accordance to U.S.-Russian signed agreements, protocols and annexes. Fiscal planning responsibilities for the $16 Million multi-lab implementation budget and direct oversight of the $6 million annual budget for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory component.
1999-2001 Program Manager, Office of International Material Protection and Emergency Cooperation. On a two-year change-of-station assignment at the U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Managed the integration and allocation of Department of Energy assets and expertise, including the national laboratories and contractors, in planning, directing, and implementing U.S. cooperation with the Russian Federation in the program of Nuclear Materials, Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC&A). Developed and implemented policies, strategies and plans and objectives to enhance U.S. national security and reduce threat of nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism. These goals were accomplished by rapidly improving the security of large quantities of attractive, weapons-usable nuclear material at the closed Ministry of Atomic Energy (MinAtom) cities that compromise Russia’s nuclear weapons complex. Proposed, defended and executed annual budget of over $14 million to support extensive engineering, technical safety, security, and environmental research and policy development with regard to MPC&A at three of the seven MinAtom sites.