Building a costume that incorporates a child’s wheelchair is a fun and clever way to ensure inclusion and acceptance. Halloween is the perfect opportunity for families to get creative with a child and his or her wheelchair.
In an interview with the Today show, Cassandra Byrd said, “Sometimes, a wheelchair is a barrier to being social with other children, ” noting that young kids could be overwhelmed or intimidated by her children’s large wheelchairs. “With a cool costume, it takes away the barrier. “Instead of staring in confusion or fixating on the wheelchair, ” she said, “they’re fixated on the entire scene, the whole picture.”
In this blog post, we highlight ten wheelchair costumes that you could make this Halloween.
Thomas the Tank Engine Wheelchair Costume
Thomas the Tank Engine is a simple Halloween costume that will work for both power and manual wheelchairs. Using many easy-to-find items like poster board, paint, permanent marker, and Halloween spider web or cotton, this is a fun and easy costume to make. Visit this link to Wheelchair Costumes for the full list of materials and instructions.
Mario Kart Wheelchair Costume
For a child that loves video games, how about a Mario costume, complete with a go kart? To make this costume, simply cut wheels out of cardboard, paint them, and attach to the exterior of your child’s wheelchair. The whole family can join in on this wheelchair costume, as there are many Mario characters for the whole family to dress up as.
Wall-E Wheelchair Costume
For children who are fans of Disney and for parents who are especially craft, this impressive Wall-E costume can be difficult to put together but it will sure get everyone talking. Visit Chez PLJ‘s blog for details.
Superman Wheelchair Costume
Every CP Miracle has the resilience and bravery of Superman. For Halloween, let your child channel their inner superpowers with this fun Superman costume. Visit Wheelchair Costumes for instructions and the list of materials.
Astronaut and Spaceship Wheelchair Costume
3…2…1…blast off! This astronaut Halloween costume with a spaceship is an easy one to make, using just cardboard, toilet paper holders, paint, and other household items. Get the instructions and list of materials on Wheelchair Costume’s blog.