ISS Science for Everyone
Science Objectives for EveryoneThe Astronaut's Energy Requirements for Long Term Space Fight (Energy) investigation assesses energy requirements of astronauts on long-duration missions. This is important for future planning of longer-duration missions, to the Moon and Mars for example, in order to launch sufficient food supplies (but not too much), which have a positive impact on mission costs and goals. Science Results for Everyone
Information Pending
The following content was provided by Stephane Blanc, Ph.D., and is maintained in a database by the ISS Program Science Office.
Information provided courtesy of the Erasmus Experiment Archive.
OpNom: Energy
Principal Investigator(s)
Stephane Blanc, Ph.D., Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg, France
Alexandre Zahariev, Centre d'Ecologie et de Physiologie Energetiques, Strasbourg, France
M. Caloin, France
Centre d'Ecologie et Physiologie Energetiques, Strasbourg, France
Sponsoring Space Agency
European Space Agency (ESA)
Sponsoring Organization
Information Pending
Research Benefits
Earth Benefits, Scientific Discovery, Space Exploration
ISS Expedition Duration 1 31/32, 33/34, 35/36, 37/38, 39/40, 41/42, 43/44, 45/46, 47/48, 49/50
Previous ISS Missions
ENERGY was first operated on ISS Expedition 31/32.
Research Overview
- With the construction of the International Space Station (ISS) and the related planned long-term human missions beyond low Earth orbit, the interest in nutrition as a countermeasure to the effects of space flight has increased dramatically. A growing body of data suggests a direct relationship between nutrition and the effects of space.
- The maintenance of energy balance appears critical but difficult during space flight. Clearly the determination of energy requirements is necessary for recommending healthy nutrition in weightlessness.
- Astronaut's Energy Requirements for Long-Term Space Flight (Energy) measures changes in energy balance after long term spaceflight, adaptations in the components of the total energy expenditure and derive an equation for the energy requirements of astronauts.
Astronaut's Energy Requirements for Long-Term Space Flight (Energy) determines the crew members energy requirements for long-term space flight. There is no compensation for severe negative energy balance during space flight. This energy deficit affects all physiological functions. Energy measures changes in energy balance after long-term space flight, adaptations in the components of the total energy expenditure, and help to derive an equation for the energy requirements of crew members.